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Our Journey To Eco-friendly Packaging - Mayya collection

At Mayya collection we have a passion for sustainability. One of our missions is to reduce waste as well as our uses of plastic which has led us to search for ways to package and ship our products using Eco-friendly materials while following sustainable practices to better our planet and tackle the issues of plastic pollution in landfill and in oceans. In this post we will discuss some of the choices we have made when choosing packaging for our products.

Making the change

We have been trying to figure out alternative shipping packaging that won’t harm our planet and won’t compromise the protection of our products from damages when being delivered to you. Ultimately, we have decided to use Eco mailing bags for a majority of our packaging that is made from sugar cane. These Eco mailing bags are fully recyclable, contains the same properties as standard plastic mailing bags and is carbon neutral.

Sugar cane is a bio-based material that belongs to the grass family and is a naturally grown raw material. Along with a range of other benefits such as capturing CO2 from the atmosphere, sugar canes properties enable it to produce ethanol via a fermentation process, which involves crushing the stalks to extract sugar-rich cane juice beforehand. Therefore, fossil fuel-based polythene is not required, which will prevent emissions from going into the environment.

As we have shared before, plastic is a monumental concern for us. Not only is it estimated that over 8 million tonnes of plastic are being dumped into the ocean each year, but micro-particles have been found from the deepest and remote places in the sea. This is why we have chosen to use sugar cane instead of the alternative OXY or Biodegradable mailing bags that cannot be recycled and simply just degrade into small pieces.

Other replacements we have made from plastic materials with more sustainable materials include swapping plastic covers for Hijabs and Abayas to acid-free tissue paper, replacing plastic tape for Kraft paper tape, and using recycled, Eco-friendly inks and paper for all labels and stickers as well as recycled material for cardboard boxes. We recognise that paper has its own issues and are not perfect, which is why we have sourced recycled paper products to cut down on the impact of virgin paper manufacturing and distribution.

Reusing what we have on hand!

At Mayya collection we reject plastic packaging from our suppliers, requesting for minimal packaging instead to prevent waste and plastic consumption from unnecessary packaging. As we are transitioning into a minimal waste business, At the moment, we still have plastic packaging material that has not been used and instead of throwing them away, we have decided to continue to use them until they are finished to ensure that nothing is going to waste.

Our mission

For us, sustainability isn’t just about the material’s end of life, we try to look at the whole life cycle of a material when selecting packaging options. Some of the things we consider is the fuel and energy consumption of the creation of the product and renewable or non-renewable raw materials. We want to let you know that your items are delivered to you with minimal waste so that you can enjoy your beautiful Hijabs and Abayas without the guilt of all

the waste that would usually come with it.


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